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Helping Pets Keep Their Cool

The OSPCA warns pet owners to protect their furry family members during this heat wave.

Pet owners are advised to keep a close eye on their animal's behaviour during the summer months. The OSPCA says if your furry friend is panting excessively or starts becoming very anxious, then they are starting to feel uncomfortable due to the heat.

Inspector Brandon James has some tips to help pet owners keep their pets cool this summer.

"Limit the access that they have to the direct sunlight, to the outdoors, to the humidity - so obviously air conditioning is the best. Making sure you're not leaving your dog unattended outside in the yard chained up, whatever the situation is. Don't leave it outside; make sure it has access to proper shelter, shade, and cool, fresh water at all times."

Pet owners are also encouraged to monitor their animal when it is outside and to avoid long exposure during the middle of the day when it is hottest.

James tells Heart FM how pet owners can determine if it is too hot outside to walk your dog.

"Put the back of your hand on the sidewalk just for a second. If it feels very hot to you it's probably too hot for your dog's pads. It would be a good thing to wait. If you have to take the animal out at that point make sure it is on grass and not on concrete."

For the most part, anything you do to cool yourself off will probably work for your pet too.

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