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HPSS Presents: A Midsummer Night's Dream

Huron Park Secondary School will bring Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream to life in its first stage show in nine years.

WOODSTOCK - After more than nine years, Huron Park Secondary School will be putting on a play.

The student acting troop will be performing Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream in their "gymatorium" at the school. 

Teacher Adriano Burgo says the pandemic delayed the return of plays at the high school, but it did not stop them from preparing their actors. Students were instead given lessons for film and television acting behind the camera before finally being allowed back on the big stage.

"This is a huge production to put on, it's one of our first ones in a long time. So we really want to try and get our community out there and entertain our community again and let you guys know that we're back. We're back doing performances at Huron Park."

The performance will be in front of an audience of up to 400 people but Burgo says they have enough help to meet the demand.

"With students alone there are over 47 (actors) but when we start getting into the tech side and the set building and all the staff there's over 100 students and staff involved."

Opening night is just over a month away, starting February 28th, with another six showings until March 5th. Tickets are being sold at $15 in advance or $20 at the door. More information and ticket sales can be found here.

Burgo stopped by the Heart FM student with Grade 10 students Anu Saluja and Kiersten Huggett, as well as Grade 12 students Gage Huda-Haggerty and Sidney Bergman on January 12th to talk about the show with Dan and Marcie. You can listen to the full interview below. 

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