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Hydro One Investigating Electrical Fires on Dundas Street

Hydro One crews are currently on the scene on the west end of Dundas Street, after the Woodstock Fire Department responded to electrical fires at Lubricare and the Shell Gas Station this morning.

WOODSTOCK - The Woodstock Fire Department responded to not one, but two electrical fires on the west end of Dundas Street, close to Ingersoll Road.

Public Information Coordinator Lisa Woods says crews first responded to a report of a fire in an electrical panel at Lubricare this morning, but it was extinguished by the time they arrived on the scene. 

While they were there, Woods says another electrical fire broke out in the car wash of the Shell Gas Station. The crews were able to extinguish that fire quickly and no one was hurt.

Woods says Hydro One is currently investigating the matter.

"Right now Hydro One is on scene. There seems to be some sort of electrical issue in the area and they are assessing it now, so we are remaining on scene for just a little bit longer to make sure everything is okay."

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