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Hydro Problems in Downtown Woodstock

Perry Street and Simcoe Street will be shut down for quite some time today as hydro crews work to repair a problem.

WOODSTOCK - Perry and Dundas Street along with Perry and Simcoe Street will be shut down for a while today as crews are dealing with a hydro issue.

Woodstock Police and Fire were called downtown this afternoon after a business on the street noticed smoke in their business and smoke was also coming from a grade in the ground. Constable Nikki Vanleeuwen tells Heart FM it appears to be an issue with the hydro.

"It looks like it's a hydro issue, so some type of warmer that's underground that they are having issues with, Hydro crews are at the scene now repairing the problem, so Perry Street and Simcoe Street will be shutdown for some time to allow for those repairs to be done."

She notes crews are at the scene right now trying to fix the problem. Traffic lights are out downtown and the streets will be closed until the problem is fixed. We will provide you with more information as soon as it becomes available.


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