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Information Night For Candidates

Potential candidates for the next municipal election are welcome to attend a candidate information night at the Oxford County Administration building.

OXFORD COUNTY - Oxford's eight municipalities are teaming up to offer an candidate information night.

Those interested in running for municipal office or the school board are welcome to attend so they can learn all of the information they need to know ahead of the upcoming election.

The event will also be open to third party advertisers this year.

In previous elections; corporations and trade unions used to be able to financially contribute to a candidate's campaign. Woodstock City Clerk Amy Humphries says it's no longer that simple.

"What the province has done is allow them to register as what we call a third party advertiser and then they can advertise on their own accord either in opposition or support of candidates."

Things will get started with a presentation from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs on the general candidate rules. This includes candidate eligibility, nominations and the duties of specific roles.

Once that wraps up, Humphries says the attendees will split up into their respective municipalities.

"We'll take the candidates and third party advertisers that are there, specifically for our municipalities and we'll go over some of the rules that are specific to our area. For example here in Woodstock we'll talk to the candidates and third party advertisers about things like our sign rules."

The candidate's information night will take place at the Oxford County Administration Building, in County Council Chambers. Everything will get underway at 6pm.

You can find more information on the city of Woodstock website.

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