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Ingersoll Hosts Oxford's Last Relay For Life of the Year

200 participants will flock to IDCI today to take part in the Relay for Life with a lofty $75 000 goal.

INGERSOLL - The 13th Relay for Life in Ingersoll is taking place tonight.

200 people will come out to IDCI to pass the baton in support of the Canadian Cancer Society. Fundraising Specialist Liz Wismer-Van Meer says it's always great to have the school on board. "The school really does get involved quite a bit. We have a lot of younger groups. You know, the college and university group as well. So they kind of bring a different energy. We've got lots of entertainment again; some country music, rock music and just a whole gamut of entertainment. And Mayor Ted Comiskey will be performing as well at the event."

The event also features a guest speaker, though it will be a little different from the Woodstock or Tillsonburg Relays. "We have Sarah Cameron that's going to be sharing her story as a caregiver," says Wismer-Van Meer. "Her mother has been living with cancer and Sarah's going to speak about their journey through cancer. So it's going to be really interesting to hear Sarah speak; she just finished up her first year of university so I'm sure she's got some really interesting facts to share with everybody about what it's been like." Wismer-Van Meer adds that Sarah's mother is always a bundle of energy, and has been a big supporter of relay in the past.

The goal this year is to raise $75 000.

Given the new format for Relay, the event will take place on Friday June 19th from 6 p.m. until midnight.

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