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Ingersoll Looking for Public Input for New Strategic Plan

A new Strategic Plan is in the works for the Town of Ingersoll and residents can provide their input on how they would like their tax dollars spent.

INGERSOLL - The Town of Ingersoll is currently developing a Strategic Plan to articulate a clear vision for Ingersoll’s future.

Mayor Ted Comiskey says residents are invited to provide some input on where they would like to see tax dollars spent.

"It's a plan that is going to enable council to direct the available dollars into what the Town of Ingersoll wants to see in the future, that is what it is all about and we are hoping to get participation from everyone to be able to make a great future." 

Comiskey says one thing the Town is looking at is developing a connected trail system. 

"We would love to have a great system and we have the opportunity right now with some donated land and certainly the golf course developed in future years into housing and make sure those all have trails through them, so that through town, we have those trails available plus a trail around the river. We must take advantage of the features we have." 

Residents are invited to provide their input online, via email, phone or even text. You can find more details about the Strategic Plan and how you can provide input online here.

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