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Ingersoll to Continue with Virtual Council Meetings

Ingersoll Town Council has decided against resuming in-person council meetings for now.

INGERSOLL - Ingersoll Town Council is going to continue with virtual council meetings for the time being.

Council discussed the possibility of resuming in-person meetings Monday night, but Mayor Ted Comiskey says they decided against it for now.

"We thought we would wait for one more month, so the September meeting would be virtual, and then we would look at the situation and assess it at that point in time. There's no sense in having council meetings, in our opinion, other than the way we're doing it now if we can't have the public there anyway."

If in-person meetings were to resume right now, only council members and staff would be allowed into Council Chambers. All of the seating would be staggered and masking protocols would be in effect.

Members of the public would have to watch the meetings online and delegations would be conducted over Zoom. Comiskey says this means everyone in Council Chambers would need their own headset.

"We'd have to wire it up so that would work and everybody would be able to use their headsets with all of the feedback that would be going out. We don't even know what the cost would be, but we know that it would be enough that it isn't worth it for one more meeting to be able to figure that out."

Comiskey is also encouraging those who haven't been vaccinated against COVID-19 to get their shots as soon as possible.

"The sooner we have our vaccination percentages up to the where the board of health feels that we can get back to normality the better. So please anyone who is not vaccinated, please do it now."

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