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Interview with Local Medical Officer of Health Dr. Joyce Lock

The regions top doctor joined Heart FM this afternoon as we have entered a critical moment in our battle with COVID-19 in Oxford, Elgin and St. Thomas.

OXFORD COUNTY - The Medical Officer of Health for Southwestern Public Health Dr. Joyce Lock joined Cody and Chris for an exclusive interview this afternoon.

Dr. Lock touched on the following topics in the interview:

- We have reached a critical point in the fight against COVID-19 in our region. Contact tracing is becoming harder and harder every day, hospitals are nearing capacity and fatalities are on the rise at our local long term care homes.

- Dr. Lock provides an update at Maple Manor Tillsonburg, where another 4 residents have tested positive for COVID-19.

- Dr. Lock provides an update at the outbreak at PeopleCare Tavistock where residents have died and over 50 staff and residents have tested positive. She explains how both care homes are being staffed with so many regular staff currently at home in self isolation. 

- Dr. Lock provides an update on vaccines arriving in our region. She says the first vaccines should be arriving in our region soon, but didn't have an exact date. 

- Dr. Lock discussed COVID-19 fatigue and how we have gone from doing so well in Southwestern Public Health region, to the crisis we are experiencing right now. 

- Dr. Lock asks residents to stay home, get tested when you are showing symptoms and reminding everyone it is the law to self isolate if you have come into close contact or tested positive for COVID-19. 

You can listen to the entire interview below: 

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