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Interview With Medical Officer of Health Dr. Joyce Lock

Dr. Lock offers tips for parents and kids on wearing mask and dealing COVID-19 related back to school anxiety. She also discusses the threshold to shut down schools and what a second wave might look like during cold and flu season.

OXFORD COUNTY - The Medical Officer of Health for Southwestern Public Health joined Dan Henry and Chris McMillan for an exclusive interview today.

You can listen to the full interview below where Dr. Lock discussing the following:

- Tips for parents and students to deal with the anxiety of going back to school this fall. She recommends talking about your fears with your family, doing your research on the safety measures the schools have taken and encourage your kids to practice physical distancing, wash your hands regularly and wear your face covering.

- Dr. Lock says the goal is to keep schools open and it would take a number of cases inside a school to have the Health Unit move in to shut it down. 

- Dr. Lock provides tips on how to get your kids to wear a face covering. She suggests explaining to them the importance of wearing the mask and to start practicing at home now and get your kids to wear it a little bit longer each day before they head to school. 

- Dr. Lock offered tremendous praise for the community as the number of active cases in the region has levelled. Last month we saw a tremendous spike in the amount of cases locally and Dr. Lock says it was the hard work of everyone in the community to get those numbers back under control. 

- Dr. Lock talks about the cold and flu season and how that might impact COVID-19 testing. If you have any symptoms of a cold, you will need to stay home this fall and get tested. The testing centres are already preparing for more people to come by. 

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