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Investigation Ongoing

Family dog perishes in fire as OFM continue to determine cause of blast.

Investigators with the Ontario Fire Marshal's Office remain at the scene of a house fire in Woodstock.

Shortly before 5:00 pm Friday afternoon, witnesses reported hearing an explosion before the home on Alberta Street was completely engulfed in flames.

Four occupants in the home at the time of the blast were taken to the hospital suffering from burns.  Three people remain in hospital, one in Woodstock and the other two in London. All are listed in stable condition.

Heavy equipment has been brought in to sift through the rubble as investigators work to determine the cause of the blast.  Reports on Sunday indicated that a number of butane tanks were found in the debris.

After the fire, family friends were appealing to the public to help locate one of the two homeowner's dogs.  It was initially reported that both dogs escaped with the four occupants but unfortunately over the weekend, the remains of the missing dog were found in the home.

During the blaze, the neighbouring homes received extensive heat damage while other homes suffered flooding in their basements due to the amount of water  used to gain control of the fire.

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