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It's Messy Church Time Once Again

The Church of the Epiphany is hosting Messy Church for families in the community.

WOODSTOCK - Families are encouraged to come out to the Church of the Epiphany's Messy Church.

The event features arts and crafts related to the joy of Easter, particularly the walk to Emmaus.

Co-coordinator of Messy Church, Shirley Doney says it's important to bring families together over fun activities during the Easter season. 

"We encourage the families to come together because we know in today's society they don't always have time to spend time together, doing activities and sharing a meal because people are going here and there and everywhere. So it's a time to actually build their faith journey together in an environment that's a little less structured where there's more room for them to experience the activities, the fellowship and experience their own faith journey. And with it leading up to Easter, we're able to tell them the story of Easter and the importance that it is to us and then just the whole hospitality of sharing that time together."

Doney says it's a fun event for the entire family.

"We start with activities, crafts, games that kind of thing that are tied in with the theme. And then we have a short celebration or worship where we talk about the story and we have time to pray together as a family and sing songs together as a family. And once the celebration is finished, then we join together and have a meal together, so it's a real family event for all people."

Families can participate in arts and crafts, along with seeing with an appearance from Foxy The Clown.

Messy Church is free to attend and it will happen tonight from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. 

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