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Jakeman's Amazing Race

The local maple syrup producer was recentlyy featured on an episode of Amazing Race Canada.

BEACHVILLE - The Amazing Race Canada has heightened the profile of Jakeman's Maple Products.

The Beachville company's products were recently shown on an episode of the popular show and interest has grown in the company.

Export Sales Manager Chad Jakeman says they had known since April they would be on the show but were sworn to secrecy.

"My sister has a roommate who is working with a promotions company. They had a need for maple syrup so she contacted us knowing that we have a very good product so we shipped it down to Hong Kong. I think we had a week to get it there. I don't know how they dispersed it but we only sent down 24 tins."

Jakeman says the furthest they normally sell their products is Taiwan.

He says he caught the episode which was the first one he had ever seen from the show.

"I was very impressed! They said the name more than once. They held up the bottle at the end when they found it. They did pronounce my name wrong which was really funny!"

Jakeman says they have seen an increase in product interest since the episode aired.

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