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Last Call for Gems & Java Tickets

The event starts at 1:30pm on Saturday the 22nd at the Southgate Centre and goes until 4:30pm. Attendees will have many opportunities to enjoy the culture through the Ethiopian Merkato (market), Bags and Bobbles Boutique, and silent auction. 

WOODSTOCK - There is only 10 tickets left for the Mothers with a heart for Ethiopia, Gems and Java Event. 

Founder Shelley Green says proceeds from the event go towards funding prolapsed uterus surgeries for women in Ethiopia.

"We have talked to the women before the surgery to understand their suffering, but then also after they've had their surgery for a year or two and I will tell you it's transformative. These women tell us 'I can dance, I can sing, I can run, I'm a new Woman."

Gems and Java also raises funds for athletic scholarships at private schools in Ethiopia where girls receive running training, and life skills training. Additionally, their mothers receive financial training for saving and investing.

"When girls tell us that through the life skills training that they have built confidence. That they realize that they are equal to boys. That they tell us that they know they can do anything that boys can do and that they have equal value, inside honestly I am just thinking yes!"  

The event starts at 1:30pm on Saturday the 22nd at the Southgate Centre and goes until 4:30pm. Attendees will have many opportunities to enjoy the culture through the Ethiopian Merkato (market), Bags and Bobbles Boutique, and silent auction. 

More information and tickets can be found here.


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