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Local MP Supports Andrew Scheer

Dave MacKenzie laughed off suggestions from the Liberals that Scheer is a social conservative who will try to bring back the debate on same sex marriage and abortion.

WOODSTOCK - The Federal Conservatives have a new leader at the helm. 

Andrew Scheer won the nomination on Saturday and local MP Dave Mackenzie thinks he is the right man for the job. MacKenzie says Scheer ran a steady campaign and is the right man to unite the party and bring the Conservatives back into power. He laughed off suggestions from the Liberals that Scheer is a social conservative who will try to bring back the debate on same sex marriage and abortion. 

"It's always a typical situation with the Liberals, as soon as their is a new Conservative leader, they try to divide and conquer, they tried it with Mulroney way back with bilingualism, he beat them down and eventually ended up forming a Government. Before the final votes were in, I was reading tweets from Liberal trolls and the mainstream media on some of those things, which are not true. We'll see a very united party come out of this, very much a mainstream, but working class people that want to do the best for Canada." 

MacKenzie says Scheer is the ultimate family man who understands that high taxes and beating up families is not the solution. 

"I think Andrew will unite the party, that is always an important part with Conservatives, I think all parties are the same but Conservatives, we sometimes eat our own. I'm We just had a caucus meeting and certainly a well united party, I think we will be just fine and I think Andrew will do a great job." 

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