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Local Rotarians Travel To Mexico on Missions Trip


Doug Vincent and his wife Grace are in Mexico right now with a group of Rotarians to treat children against polio and performing dental work.

WOODSTOCK - Two members of the Rotary Club for Woodstock-Oxford are in Mexico right now.

Doug Vincent and his wife Grace Carbilledo-Vincent are in the country's remote villages to inoculate children against polio.

Vincent says they're with a group of Rotarians from Southwestern Ontario.

"When you go to a home and knock on the door in a remote village, for the most part the parents are excited to see you. They're happy to see you, they acknowledge that the Rotary logo on your shirt or your jacket means good things are going to happen for them and their family. Sometimes you'll go in to give the polio drops, other times they'll bring the children out into the yard."

Vincent adds each year they have members go to different countries like India, Pakistan and Afghanistan to help the local health authorities and local Rotarians vaccinate the children against polio.

Next week, Grace will be performing dental work on underprivileged children with the local Rotarians in Mexico.

Grace says the families appreciate the service.

"They look at you like you're an angel coming to their community because they have not seen a dentist, and you know that it costs a lot of money to see a dentist. And for somebody that will come and offer a free service, they are very, very appreciative."

She adds she'll be cleaning and pulling teeth and doing fillings only if the resources are available. They'll be there for two weeks.

He adds they're always welcoming more people into the Rotary if anyone is interested. Vincent says that he and his wife enjoy travelling and they've made many friends around the world for 25 years.

"It's a great sense of fulfillment and personal reward. It's the smile of a child that's our reward and if we can make a difference to improve another life, then to me that's what's living is all about."

Of course you don't have to travel with Rotary either. They have plenty of amazing projects they do locally as well and are always looking for new members for both clubs in Woodstock. 

You can go here to learn more about the Rotary Club of Woodstock-Oxford. 

(Photos submitted)



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