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Local TikTok Star Finds Massive Success in Cosmetics Line

Celina Myres, known on social media as Celina Spooky Boo (submitted)

The Woodstonian, known as Celina Spooky Boo experienced something rare as an entrepreneur. The Social Media Influencer completely sold out of her new eye shadow palette within 30 seconds of launching it online.

WOODSTOCK - At a time when some are struggling with the loss of their employment during the pandemic, a local entrepreneur took a risk and went ahead with the launch of her cosmetics line, Beauty X Boo.  

April 10th is a day that Celina Myres will never forget.  It's the day she sold out of her first eye shadow palette within 30 seconds of launching it on her new website.  

An incredible accomplishment for anyone, some might think only a Kardashian could sell out of product that fast.  The Woodstonian, known as Celina Spooky Boo says she was really nervous about the launch of her first product. 

"That day was super nerve wracking! From the time I woke up, I was pacing and was checking the web page to make sure we had everything ready to go.  You couldn’t even talk to me I was just trying to get all the good vibes flowing and just hoping someone bought at least one." 

Celina Spooky Boo reflects proudly on the big day, and says she is still in awe. 

"It felt crazy, I did not expect that at all.  I remember refreshing the page and I saw that my website crashed because so many people were buying my product. It didn’t feel real."

The social media star with over 2.6 Million Followers on Tik Tok says she has had a love for makeup since an early age.

"I have always had a huge love for makeup. My parents were always cool about it, so I started using it when I was in the fifth grade.  I love the confidence it brings and the range of creativity." 

The first installment of her make up line, the Celina Spooky Boo Palette is vegan and cruelty free and is made with recycled packaging.  The entire design process took 5 months of planning. 

"I chose my favourite shades, the ones that spoke to my heart to create a really beautiful colour story that reflects me.  I designed everything from the packaging, selecting the colours and naming them, the weight and magnetic closure and even the slide sleeve."

Inspiration can come at the most unexpected time and place.  The image on the front of the palette was inspired by a drawing she sketched on the back of a Miss Woodstock napkin.

"I was out for breakfast with my husband and had an idea, so I started drawing.  From there, I commissioned a follower artist to create the cartoon illustration of myself for the front."

Her brand is self described as being all over the place, much like her personality.  

"I think my brand is really just colourful in the way I live my life, I am just out there.  I simply like to make people laugh, help others and tell a good story while I do it."  

Connecting with her fans/followers is her number one priority.  She starts her day with live videos and does her make up routine with her followers watching her every stroke and laughing during the process. 

"It’s been a very intimate way to get to know everyone.  For myself, after watching other social media influencers like Shane Dawson's series with Jeffrey Star, where they document their make up creations, I was like "Hey I can do that."

Since she hit it out of the park with her first palette, the local influencer is gearing up to expand on her line with a few products already in the works.
"I am really excited to announce that I will be releasing a themed box in the late summer that stays true to my name, it will be a little on the spooky side.  The collection will include Lashes, a Lip Gloss, a new Palette, a Pop Socket and a signed book, that I am writing exclusively for this box release."

You can follow Celina Spooky Boo on Tik Tok, Instagram and YouTube.  To purchase products, visit her website www.beautyXboo.com.  The palette will be fully restocked in three weeks.

Celina Spooky Boo seen below holding her new eye shadow palette.(photo submitted)

Below are the uniquely named eye shadow colours of the Celina Spooky Boo Palette.

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