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Local Tim's Stores in Woodstock and Ingersoll Raise $86,000 for United Way Oxford and Sakura House

Three things are certain in life, death, taxes and the good people of Woodstock and Ingersoll sure do love their Smile cookies.

WOODSTOCK - The Tim Horton's locations in Woodstock and Ingersoll teamed up this year for the SMILE Cookie campaign and they had a resounding success.

Local Tim's owner Leslie Farrell says they can't believe how much money was raised this year. 

"The SMILE Cookie campaign this year did wonderful. So between the 2 stores in Ingersoll and all of the Woodstock stores, we sold 86,000 cookies. That means we are able to give the United Way Oxford and Sakura House each $43,198." 

Farrell says staff were busy all week making the cookies and a lot of the local businesses really stepped up with big orders. 

"We were really fortunate, we have great support from the factories around us, the community in general, our partners, both United Way and Sakura House ordered cookies from us. So I know all of the stores in Woodstock and Ingersoll, every single staff member was pushing cookies out with every single customer. The staff in the back and the volunteers who decorated, they worked hard putting those smiles, especially those eyes on cookies, so we really want to thank the staff and the volunteers and give them a big shout out."

She says it is an honour to be able to help out a couple of local and amazing charities in United Way Oxford and Sakura House.

"Speaking for the store owners in Woodstock and Ingersoll, we know the value of giving back to the community that supports us and we know first hand the work that both United Way and Sakura House do with our community and it is so important to give back, especially right now when all the fundraising needs have really taken on a new image."

The SMILE Cookie program as a whole raised $10.56 million dollars for local charities which is almost a $1 million increase over last year. 

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