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Lyme Disease Confirmed In Local Tick

black-legged tick

A black-legged tick collected from the Port Burwell areal has tested positive for the bacteria causing Lyme Disease.

OXFORD COUNTY / ELGIN COUNTY  - Getting out and enjoying nature is what summer is all about.  However, officials at Southwestern Public health are warning about the discovery of black-legged ticks in the region as one in Port Burwell has tested positive for the bacteria which can cause Lyme Disease. 

Peter Heywood, Director, Health Protection, Southwestern Public Health says there are some areas in the region to be cautious of.

"The risk areas in Ontario for people who reside in Oxford County, they like to frequent the Pinery, Rondeau Park or Turkey point, these are identified risk areas.  Risk areas are locations where positive black-legged ticks have been identified, so you have to take extra precautions when visiting those areas."      

Heywood adds that there is a proper way to remove ticks and it should be done with care.

"If you do find a tick on your body, it is important that you remove it and you want to make sure you don't have any of the body parts stuck in your skin.  Once you do remove it, it's important that you bring it to Southwestern Public Health for identification." 

The tick that tested positive was found during a routine "tick-drag",  where officials routinely will scour an area on a tick hunt, dragging a white sheet over a suspected grassy area to find ticks.  

Southwestern Public Health has these tips to steer clear of ticks:

-Use an insect repellant that contains 20-30% DEET.
-Wear long sleeves, fully-closed boots/shoes when walking in tick-prone areas.
-Wear light coloured clothing so ticks are easy to spot.
-Take a shower as soon as you can after coming indoors.
-Do a “tick check” on yourself and family members for ticks on your body. Ticks can hide under the armpits, behind the knees, in the hair, and the groin.

It is recommended to be seen by a health professional if you are experiencing the symptoms of Lyme Disease within 30 days after getting bitten. 

Symptoms of Lyme disease may include fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue and an expanding red rash, which can sometimes look like a bull’s-eye. If left untreated, Lyme disease can progress into arthritic symptoms, cardiac issues, extreme fatigue/weakness and nervous system disorders.

Family pets are not immune to ticks either.  If you find a tick on your dog or cat and are concerned, it is important to have them examined by a veterinarian. In addition, pets bring in all sorts of critters from outside and can put your family at risk.

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