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Magnet Network

The Woodstock Chamber of Commerce has a new tool to tackle youth unemployment.

WOODSTOCK - The Woodstock Chamber of Commerce is looking to technology to help tackle youth unemployment and address the skills gap in our area.

General Manager Martha Dennis says they have partnered with Ryerson University and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce on Magnet.

"Magnet's a fast, complete secure and highly accurate networking platform that uses a revolutionary WhoPlusYou technology and it will connect employers with qualified candidates."

Dennis says right now the network is being loaded up by people looking for jobs.

"They are loading in all of their skills and education into the program. The members can then type in what criteria they have for a job position and it will go through the data base and search out and bring up a list of each candidate that meets their criteria."

Dennis says the network currently includes 18 post secondary institutions across the province along with Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade representing 60 thousand employers.

She says the Chamber got involved because there is a problem finding local skilled workers.

"To have a data base all across Ontario basically of skilled people that might fit your job criteria is very beneficial to our members."

The technology was developed through Ryerson University's Digital Media Zone.

The Magnet network will officially launch in October.

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