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March Break Safety Tips

March Break kicks off this week and OPP are urging everyone to be extra cautious this week.

Students around the province are enjoying a week off to celebrate March Break, which brings a large population of pedestrian traffic around the Friendly City.  Community Media Services Officer for Oxford OPP Constable Lisa Narancsik reminds drivers to keep an extra eye on your surroundings so you can act accordingly if need be.  "With this nice weather maintaining there are going to be kids on the street.  We need the kids to follow our safety message to stop, look, and listen. Then the people who are driving the vehicles we want to make sure they are more aware of the activity.  Just make sure that there are not cars coming up on anyone who may jog out in front of them while they are driving."    

Narancsik reaches out to parents to monitor your child's activities over the week. "Know where your children are.  Set the parameters to make sure you are communicating back and forth as to where kids are, and when they are to return home to make sure everyone is arriving everywhere safely."   

While March Break can be fun there are always hazards to think about when going out  Constable Narancsik explains, "With the rain that is predicted and the snow is going to be melting the waterways could be running a little bit faster and they definitely will be a little bit higher.  Stay away from the waterways and riverbanks to avoid anything that could happen."  Among other safety tips Narancsik wants you to give yourself time to get to your destination whatever your mode of transportation is.  



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