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McClintic Transfer Protest on Parliament Hill

It promises to be an emotional day on Parliament Hill as protesters march for Tori Stafford.

OTTAWA - Protestors are heading to Parliament Hill in Ottawa today in support of Tori Stafford. 

They will be marching to show their anger about the transfer of Tori's killer, Terri Lynne McClintic to an aboriginal healing lodge in Saskatchewan. The public first heard about McClintic's transfer from a Facebook post from Tori's father Rodney Stafford. Since then the story has exploded with Canadians everywhere sharing their disgust with the move.  

Stafford explains what it was like when he found out about the McClintic transfer. 

"I was very upset, I found out nearly 10 months after the fact and I had no clue, I found out on unrelated circumstances and I was really upset, that is why we are at where we are today." 

Stafford says he overwhelmed by the support from Canadians and the media. 

"I can't give the media enough props and thanks, as troubling as it seems to have them in my life all the time; I need the media in my life. I have had a lot of sympathies and condolences; I have got a lot of people messaging who are going through the same situation with a loss of a loved one. There are messages coming in from all over the place." 

The Conservatives are working to bring another motion that would forbid child killers from being allowed at healing lodges. They do have a bus leaving from London to the rally today in Ottawa that will be making a few stops along the way to pick up more people. The bus is full and should have arrived in Ottawa around 6 a.m. 

Another rally is planned for Saturday in Woodstock at the Court House from 11 am to 1 p.m.

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