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Mosquito Tests Positive for West Nile in Aylmer

Southwestern Public Health says a mosquito that was found in a trap in Aylmer has tested positive for West Nile virus.

SWPH - Southwestern Public Health is reporting its first mosquito-related case of West Nile virus for the year.

A mosquito that was found in a trap in Aylmer has tested positive for the virus. This comes after a bird tested positive for the West Nile in late May.

The health unit is reminding everyone to wear bug spray with DEET and remove standing water on their property. You should also wear light-coloured and long-sleeved clothing in mosquito-infested areas, especially around dawn and dusk.

Officials say 80 percent of those infected with West Nile don't show any symptoms. If you do show symptoms, it will probably feel like a mild flu. Less than one percent of people with West Nile become seriously ill.

You can find more information regarding the West Nile virus on the Southwestern Public Health website.

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