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MPAC Reporting Residential Building Permit Increase in SWOX and Oxford County

The Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for MPAC says Oxford County saw a 25 percent increase in new residential building permits in 2020.

SOUTH-WEST OXFORD - South-West Oxford is in the top five municipalities in Southwestern Ontario for percentage increases in residential building permits in 2020. 

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, which tracks property data across the province, reports that South-West Oxford had an increase in residential building permits of 93% over the previous year. 

Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for MPAC Carmelo Lipsi also noted that on per capita, East Zorra-Tavistock and Zorra Township - also had significant permit increases.

"When you look at new building permits, in terms of permits for new homes, if you want to take a look specifically at that, in Oxford County, we saw a 25% increase."

Lipsi explains why MPAC wanted to share this information.

"We saw an overall increase in residential increase across the Province, in certain areas like in South-West Oxford, we are seeing something that is significantly higher than in previous years." 

Overall, more than 106,000 Ontario homeowners obtained residential building permits in 2020 - an increase of 9 percent from the year before, with permits for home improvements jumping by 15%. Officials say the pandemic likely put more focus on the home.

The increases were across the board comparing 2020 volumes to 2019 for all types of residential permits in Oxford County with a few notable areas:

Tillsonburg - 44% increase

Zorra - 31% increase

Oxford County - 20% increase

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