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MS Society has High Hopes for upcoming MS Walk

27th annual Walk for MS coming May 6th

WOODSTOCK - The MS Walk began in 1991 with hopes of raising enough money to find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis.    Now more than 27 years later the walk has raised over 12 million dollars nationally.

Despite being one of the smaller communities with a walk, the Oxford chapter still manages to raise a significant amount of money, last year over $85,000 was raised at the MS walk in Woodstock.  

Penny Burton, a Regional Director with the MS Society says the walk is the most important fundraiser they have. 

"Canada has the unfortunate distinction of having the highest rate of MS in the world, we are not sure why, we don't know what causes MS, and we don't have a cure for it.  Part of the funds that we raise in the community goes towards research and other supports in the community."      

This years Oxford County MS walk is happening on May 6th.  The goal is to raise $90,000 locally. 

Twelve year old Madison Buchanan has no plans on slowing down her fundraising efforts for MS, until there is a cure. 
The Buchanon family, along with about 2 to 3 hundred others will take part in the local walk. 

Buchanan syas she got involved for a very impportant reason.

"My mom has has MS since I was born, it's something that touches your heart, we are doing the MS walk to raise $4000, to give to the MS society to find a cure."  

Last year Madison's team raised $1000, she adds that she plans to double her goal each year.   

To learn how to participate or volunteer, you can go to the MS website here

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