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National Registered Dietician Day

Local registered dieticians are asking you to make healthy changes to your eating habits during nutrition month.

March is nutrition month and today is national registered dietician day.

Local dieticians in Oxford County are using the day to preach things like making healthy changes to your eating habits. Kelly Ferguson recommends making small changes like filling your plate with more vegetables, choose whole grain instead of white bread and serving smaller portions.

"So I recommend that everyone just take a look at your eating habits and make just one small thing that your could make a change on, it might be filling more of your plate with vegetables, it could be eating dinner as a family without distractions or maybe replacing a sugary drink that you typically have like pop with water."

She tells Heart FM why it is a good idea to make small changes, as opposed to completely changing your diet.

"So changing your diet all at once can be very overwhelming and hard to keep up, so it is better to make one small change that you can stick with and rather than focus on weight as your ultimate goal, I would encourage you to instead focus on healthy behaviours."

Ferguson says switching to whole grain bread instead of white bread and serving smaller portions.

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