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Navy Vets Start Search for new Head Coach

The Woodstock Navy Vets will be saying goodbye to their head coach Adam Wallace.

WOODSTOCK - A coaching position has just opened up on the Woodstock Navy Vets.

Head Coach Adam Wallace has accepted a new job to coach the Cambridge Winterhawks in Junior B. President of the Navy Vets Devon Young says they are happy for Wallace and notes he was a big reason for the club's return to not only legitimacy but also a position of prominence in the League.

"It's a testament to him wanting to leave us, it was more of a decision based on his ability to move up and it ultimately goes back to saying we are doing the right things here in Woodstock, we are not just making our players better, we are making are coaches better and it really is a good thing."

Young says they have started the search for Wallace's replacement and they are excited for next year as they hope to continue down the path towards the ultimate goal of winning the Schmalz Cup.

"So far it's going very well, we are already a good portion of the way through the process in finding a new head coach and I imagine that before too long we will have our guy picked."

Young says they will likely find some extra motivation this season after watching the Ayr Centennials win the Schmalz Cup.

"You know we played Ayr a few times this season and we played them tough, it also tells me that our league is very strong, to see what they did in the last stretch of the season towards the Schmalz, it reaffirms that we may play in the best Junior C league in the Province."

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