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NDP Supporting Fight Against Landfill

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Oxford's NDP candidate says her party will fight to give municipalities to say no to landfills, if they're elected into power next week.

OXFORD COUNTY - Oxford's NDP candidate is promising to fight the proposed landfill.

Tara King sent a letter to Ingersoll Mayor Ted Comiskey earlier this week; letting him know where Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath and the rest of her party stand on this issue.

She says the NDP have always believed municipalities should have the power to decide what happens in their community.

"The Ontario NDP have long supported a reform that gives local communities, municipalities, planners and other representatives the authority to set the overall vision for how their neighbourhoods grow and change. All of this information isn't new information; it's in our platform, it's online for everyone to see and it's actually on page 81."

King says she would work alongside her party to prevent the proposed landfill if she becomes our next MPP.

"I'm opposed to the landfill and giving local governments more authority is in our platform. We will do whatever it takes to fulfill our platform whether it's a private members bill, a government bill or changes in regulation."

Ingersoll Mayor Ted Comiskey was happy to receive King's letter.

"This is something that is a movement across Ontario. We now have 54 municipalities across Ontario that have moved motions that say 'yes municipalities should have the right.' This is very exciting when you have the leaders of the parties also coming forward."

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