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New Booster Pumping Station

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Oxford County has given the go ahead to start a detailed design on a new Booster Pumping Station north of Pittock.

WOODSTOCK - Oxford County has given the go ahead to start a detailed design on a new Booster Pumping Station north of Pittock. 

The water pressure system will increase the water pressure in the area. Construction should begin next Spring and the project will cost about $1.5 million dollars. 

Manager of Water and Waste Water Services Debra Goudreau tells Heart FM about some of the benefits the new booster pumping station will provide. 

"So the land in this area where the Booster Station is needed is just at a higher elevation than some of the surrounding land. So if we didn't construct this station, the water pressures that people would experience in their home would be lower than what would be acceptable. So we are constructing this so that it will operate on the same zone as the water tower that is at the east end of Woodstock along County Road 2. Eventually once the development fills out on County Road and the south side of County 17, we will interconnect those zones through water main." 

The design work will start in the fall and the project will hopefully be completed by the end of 2018. 

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