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New Captain

Woodstock Navy Vets part ways with Kyle Robertson, give Jake Schneider the "C"

Mired in a 10-game losing streak, the Woodstock Navy Vets are shaking things up.

The Vets have sent their Captain, Kyle Robertson to the Chippawa Riverhawks.  They let him go, as Robertson is enrolled in Niagara College starting in 2014, and didn't want to commute for practices and games.

Since the deal was made, the Vets have named forward Jake Schneider their new captain.

The team is hoping the shake-up will pay off with better results in the second half of the season.

Woodstock will host Burford on Friday night.

The team will follow that up with their second "Free Admission" game on Tuesday December 17th, 2013 at 7:45pm against the Norwich Merchants.

It's also Teddy Bear Toss night, so make sure to bring a new teddy bear to the game, which will be collected and donated to a local charity.

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