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New Federal Cabinet Swearing-in Today

Political observers believe it's to give government fresh look ahead of next election

There is a growing list of high profile federal cabinet names who may not be returning after today's cabinet shuffle.

There will be a swearing-in ceremony as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau moves some key players around.

Various media sources indicate embattled Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino, who was taking a hit over the Paul Bernardo transfer to a medium security prison, is out, as well as Justice Minister David Lametti, and Treasury Board President Mona Fortier.

There is word that Defence Minister Anita Anand will be moved to an economic position.

Transport Minister Omar Alghabra, and Mental Health and Addictions Minister Carolyn Bennett will not be returning.

Political observers believe the move is in anticipation of the next election to deal with critical issues including housing and the rising cost of living. 

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