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No Conscience

Family returns home from funeral, only to find home ransacked.

It's the ultimate gesture of disrespect.

A Woodstock family returned home from a funeral on Wednesday afternoon, to find the front door of the home wide open, and electronics and other items had been pillaged by thieves.

Woodstock Police suspect the culprits likely targeted the family, based on information from the obituary ads, knowing no one would be home.

Richard Shirran, who was with his daughter when she returned home to the discovery says the family is incensed.  "It's a combination of sadness, disgust that someone would actually do that.  Great anger, great anger...I think we're all feeling that, and a sense of violation."

To make matters worse, Shirran says a laptop and two external hard drives were stolen that contained thousands of irreplaceable family photos.  "Especially of our son-in-law Ed, who passed away.  That's the only place we have copies of them, so not only have they stolen electronics, which is replaceable and that's not an issue, but they've stolen memories.  A lifetime of memories."

Shirran is making a desperate plea to the culprits to do the right thing.  "If these folk would at least drop these pieces of equipment off somewhere, have the decency to drop them off anywhere and get them back to us, we would be so grateful."

The break-in happened Wednesday afternoon on Graham St. in Woodstock.  If you have any leads for police, call 537-2323, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.

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