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Norwich/Woodstock Boundary Adjustment Considered

Committees from Norwich Township and the City of Woodstock are considering a possible boundary adjustment.

WOODSTOCK - A boundary adjustment between the city of Woodstock and the Township of Norwich could occur in the near future.

Committees from Norwich and Woodstock are currently working on a final boundary adjustment recommendation.

Norwich CAO Kyle Kruger tells Heart FM a bit about the land in discussion.

"The latest proposal that has been considered contemplates approximately 1,500 acres of land generally around the intersection of the Highway 401 and 403. So that would be north of Pattullo Avenue, generally speaking in that vicinity."

The city of Woodstock would like to convert the land for industrial use. Kruger tells Heart FM about the township's perspective.

"We want to ensure that the township remains intact and so far as its assessment base and as well have the opportunity to share in any industrial growth that may occur in any lands that are ultimately a part of a boundary adjustment."

Kruger adds the land may not be able to be developed for industrial use unless it becomes a part of a serviced urban area.

Once the committees come up with a final boundary adjustment recommendation they will bring it back to their respective councils. If both councils show interest a public meeting will be held.

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