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OMB Hearing For Harvey Woods

Construction crews knock down the rear building on the property.

One of the appeals has been dropped against the Harvey Woods project.

As demolition work was underway at the Harvey Woods building this week, an OMB hearing looms on the project.

This Wednesday, Homestead Christian Care will defend a zone change on their plans to convert the former factory into affordable housing.

The objectors are a Woodstock resident, and two lawyers with practices on Vansittart Ave.

But as project spokesperson Michael Harding tells Heart FM, one of the appeals have been dropped.  "We have an upcoming OMB Hearing.  We were suppose to duke it out with all the objectors, all three of them.  One of them, Mr. Kratzmann has withdrawn his application, we were able to mediate a small change to the site that seem to satisfy him, that's good news."

There are still two other objectors to the project's zone change including Woodstock Lawyer Trent Zimmerman

Regardless of the appeals, the project can still proceed with the first 54 of 80 affordable housing units.

We'll have more from Wednesday's OMB Hearing.

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