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On A First Name Basis Is On Stage For One More Weekend

Photo credit: Theatre Woodstock

The comedy is playing at Theatre Woodstock for one more weekend and tickets are currently available. There are shows scheduled for tonight, tomorrow and a matinee on Saturday.

WOODSTOCK - The latest show from Theatre Woodstock wraps up this weekend.

On a First Name Basis is a comedy from the mind of Norm Foster.

Director Sally Johnston says it is a real crowd-pleaser. 

"The audience can expect to laugh a lot, our opening weekend, our three shows, we had fantastic audiences and they actually gave three standing ovations, so that says a lot about the quality of this show. It features a lot of comedy, a lot of witty one liners and then there is some really heart warming moments too, I think that the audience will be pleased in all areas." 

She says the play stars two amazing actors in Dan Grass and Tanya Thompson. 

"Mr. Killbride is played by Dan Grass and Miss Hopperstaud is played by Tanya Thompson. Mr. Killbride is kind of a grouchy man, he is a millionaire and has made a lot of money writing spy novels and Miss, Hopperstaud is his very feisty and witty housekeeper of 28 years. On this particular evening, he decides he wants to get to know her better, to become on a first name basis, the evening really is a conversation between these two people." 

They have shows tonight, tomorrow, and a matinee on Saturday.  You can purchase your tickets by calling the box office at 519-537-2582 or you can purchase them online here

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