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One Last Stroll in the Woodstock Art Gallery for 2015

If you're looking for a cheap family activity to keep the kids and relatives busy, the Woodstock Art Gallery is open today for the last time in 2015.

WOODSTOCK - If the kids are driving you crazy today, the Woodstock Art Gallery invites you to take a tour around the Gallery one last time before 2015 ends.

Director and Curator of the Woodstock Art Gallery Mary Reid says they are open today, and they have seen quite a few people come through the doors this holiday season. "Last Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday we were pretty full to capacity. We had our Let It Snow Art Camp going on plus we had a number of family drop in activities. This week, a little bit slower but still the numbers are quite encouraging. And we do see a number of families coming out for the free drop in activity that runs from 11 until 1 p.m."

Reid says they have seen a lot of interest in one of their current exhibits featuring costumes from a famous Canadian dancer. "One of the highlights was having the current exhibition that's on right now, The Silent Partners which looks at Evelyn Hart's costumes and tutus. And Evelyn Hart is actually kind of from of the London/Stratford area but she was considered one of Canada's prima ballerinas over her 30 year career. That exhibition has had such a tremendous, positive response we're actually holding it over an extra two weeks."

She also reminds everyone that this is a great way to keep the family entertained without spending a lot. "The gallery is free admission," Reid says. "So it is admission by donation - certainly as little or as much as you want to give. I just really encourage all those people who live not only in Woodstock but in Oxford County to please make use of this important community resource. If you're looking at things to keep the kids busy or you have relatives that are in from out of town, this is a wonderful way to spend a couple of hours in the afternoon."

You can find out more at the Woodstock Art Gallery's website

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