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Online Auction for Woodstock & District Developmental Services

WDDS will be hosting an online auction next week in order to raise money for its respite services.

WOODSTOCK - Woodstock & District Developmental Services is about to launch an online auction.

The bidding starts on Monday March 21st and it will end on Sunday March 27th. Fund Developer Krystan Maclean says they have lots of great items up for grabs.

"We have lots of vouchers for experiences, we've also got lots of great appliances, a Big Green Egg smoker and a wine fridge fill wine from Lazios. We've got so many good things like food and coffee. You name it and we've got it!"

Maclean says they have something for everyone.

"We sort of tried to span all the types of things that people might want or need. We've got some experiences, we've got some items, we've got some going away and staying in town packages."

The auction link will be posted on the WDDS Facebook and Twitter pages and all of the proceeds will benefit their respite services.

Maclean says WDDS is proud to support lots of local businesses through this online auction.

"A lot of these things were designed so that we could go in and purchase gift certificates and items at our local businesses that we know have been hit hard over the pandemic. That was a really big focus of ours and a lot of these businesses were gracious to donate but for a lot of them, we're actually purchasing some of the items from because people have sponsored those packages."

Maclean stopped by the Heart FM studio yesterday to talk to Dan and Marcie about the online auction and you can listen to the full interview below.

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