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Ontario Could Enter Phase 1 of Re-Opening Before June 14

"We do not anticipate it will be any later than that, whether or not we hit those markers sooner, remains to be seen." 

Ontario could enter phase one of the reopening plan sooner than expected.

The Province has already met the vaccination threshold with over 60% of adults, 18 and over having received at least one dose of the vaccine. 

Deputy Premier Christine Elliott says they're anticipating they will hit the milestones they need to hit by June 14. 

"We do not anticipate it will be any later than that, whether or not we hit those markers sooner, remains to be seen." 

Elliott says other public health indicators also need to be taken into consideration.

"Such as the number of new cases, the number of people being hospitalized, people being admitted to Intensive Care Units and the R rate as well. There are number of issues that need to come together, we are watching them all very carefully."

Elliott says the targets the Province has set out to slowly re-open Ontario are both realistic and achievable. 

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