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Ontario's Top Doctor Says Schools Remain Safe

Photo Credit: Ontario Ministry of Health

Despite over 1,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases in schools throughout the province, Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore says classrooms remain safe for students.

Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health has issued a statement, telling parents that in-person learning continues to be safe for kids. 

Dr. Kieran Moore says even though the province has seen over 1,000 new COVID-19 cases in school staff and students since classes resumed earlier this month, parents have no reason to worry. 

"Over the first few weeks of the school year, there have been 1,046 confirmed cases of COVID-19 among students and staff who attend school in-person. With over 2 million students, over 300,000 education workers and school partners and 4,844 publicly funded elementary and secondary schools in the province, this is not cause for alarm and in-person learning continues to remain safe."

Moore says the majority of these cases are contracted in the community, and in-school transmission is minimal, thanks to measures such as mask wearing and hand hygiene, as well as ventilation improvements. 

He also encourages anyone who hasn't gotten vaccinated yet to get jabbed in order to protect those who can't get the shot. 

As of yesterday, over 79 percent of Ontario youths between 12 and 17 have their first shot, and 68 percent have both doses. 

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