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OPAL Request Public Comment Period Extension From Walker

Those who helped provide input on the landfill Terms of Reference, call the document "a Fiasco". The Community Liaison Committee aren't happy with the draft ToR, saying some pages are upside down, some letters are off the page, and there are blank spots where there should be info. The document was released on May 23rd, and members of the CLC say it took until June 6th to get a CD copy they could open and read. Oxford People Against the Landfill has requested a 60-day extension from Walker on the current public comment period. Spokesperson Steve McSwiggan says even without the circumstances surrounding the document, more time is necessary. "For them to roll out 6000 pages of documentation from the last year, and then ask our community to review it in 30-days is a little ridiculous." McSwiggan says time is of the essence. "The final terms are on our doorstep now, happening in July and August. It's evermore important that Oxford County really review what they have on the plate right now, and have their comments ready on that document. This is a key moment, a pivotal moment for Oxford County." There hasn't been a formal response yet from Walker on the 60-day extension request, but Heart FM will be speaking with Walker GM Joe Lyng later today.

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