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OPP Issue Back to School Safety Tips

Police are reminding parents to go over safety tips with their kids before September 8th

OXFORD COUNTY - As students get ready for back to school next week the OPP are preaching safety.

They want to remind motorists to get used to seeing kids walking to schools and also be watchful for the return of those big yellow things as school busses come back to the road. Constable Ed Sanchuk tells Heart FM it is a good idea to sit down with your kids and go over some safety tips before they start walking to school and if they are riding a bike make sure they do it safely.

Sanchuk also notes for motorists it's all about giving 100 percent of your focus on the road and putting away all of your distractions. The fine for passing a school bus with the lights flashing can be as high as $2,000.

"Motorists must not pass a school bus until the stop arm is retracted and the red lights are turned off, there is a fine of $490 and six demerit points for passing a school bus, however an officer can choose to issue a court summons for this offence where the maximum fine is $2,000.

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