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OPP: Keep Control of Door to Door Salesmen

Oxford OPP are putting out a warning about high pressure door-to-door salesmen. There have been recent complaints in Tillsonburg of salespeople demanding to inspect equipment within your home, or to do a demonstration. Police are reminding residents that you don't have to allow these strangers into your home if you're not comfortable. Here's some advice from local police: IT?S YOUR HOME! : You do not have to let a salesperson inside your home and you have every right to ask anyone to leave your property anytime! If they don?t leave, call the police. An unwanted person in your home can be removed, arrested if necessary and charged under the Trespass to Property Act. WHO ARE YOU DEALING WITH? : If you do not know them you need to ask questions. Who are these salespeople, companies and brands involved? Have you done any reference checks which could include calling the Better Business Bureau or checking on line. Within Tillsonburg and other municipalities, door to door salespeople are required to have a municipal sales permit and if requested, to show a potential customer a copy of it. If you have doubts simply do not deal with them and tell them to leave! DEMONSTRATIONS or INSPECTIONS SHOULD BE ON YOUR TERMS: Find out how long it will take and set a time frame that works for you. Ask a relative, neighbour or friend to be there. Being alone with a stranger or multiple strangers can make you very vulnerable and you may be buying something or switching to a new company that you really do not want. KEEP CONTROL: End the session when you want! Take time to think about it and if the salesperson insists otherwise, it may be a sign that things are not right. If it?s a good sale today, it will be a good sale tomorrow, so what is the harm in a grace period to think it over. You must act NOW!!! should be a signal this deal may not be what you want. DON?T BE TOO FREE WITH INFORMATION: There is a chance that in some cases the stranger you are dealing with is ?fishing? for information that could be used for illegitimate purposes. Remember, you are there to get information about a product, not to give up information about you and your belongings. YOU MAY HAVE AN OUT: If a sale is made to you within your home you are protected by legislation that allows you to undue a deal that might have been made under duress. A contract signed in your home worth over $50.00 can be cancelled by sending a letter within 10 days to the involved company. This is a protection for consumers afforded under the Consumer Protection Act.

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