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Oxford Businesses Receiving Digital Transformation Grants

Local small businesses can still apply for the $2,500 Digital Transformation Grant from the Province.

WOODSTOCK - Several small businesses in Oxford County have received Digital Transformation Grants from the Province.

A total of $65,000 has been provided to help Oxford small businesses transform to online, to help with e-commerce sales. 

The Province has also established Student Digital Service Squads who help assess a business's digital literacy. They provide support on and training to create and develop websites to shift to online sales. Local businesses can also apply for a $2,500 Digital Transformation Grant. 

Associate Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction Prabmeet Sarkaria says this is meeting a critical need for many Ontario businesses as they transition to online storefronts.

"Confronting the economic impacts from COVID-19 is a team effort, and through the Ontario Digital Main Street program and Digital Service Squads, we're enlisting our students to help our local small businesses get up and running online. I encourage all Ontarians to use their purchasing power to Support Local — by buying their goods virtually from local small businesses today and into the future." 

Local MPP Ernie Hardeman says this funding has been a big help to local small businesses. 

"Southwestern Ontario’s small businesses are the backbone of our economy and our community. The Digital Service Squads are helping our businesses transition online, allowing them to access new customers safely and reliably. By choosing to shop local by shopping local we are helping our businesses stay in business."

Right now only 60 percent of small businesses in the Province have a website and only 7 percent accept online payment.

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