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Oxford Gardens Appeal Development Charges At City Council

Oxford Gardens is appealing their development charge because of the by-law's past definitions. Building owner Bill VanHaeren brought a lawyer to Woodstock Council last night. Attorney Allan Patton declined to give comment, but told council the by-law would have seen the charge exempted back in 2004. He said since then it has changed. The city's Manager of Buildings and Facilities Craig Wallace says it hasn't changed much. "Basically it's the same by-law from 2004 but it's an improved by-law. It has more definitions and defined terms". The definition no longer considers the Oxford Garden's building to be an institution that would receive an exemption. Patton added the building houses less residence creating less impact on the city. Mayor Pat Sobeski has council's reaction to the appeal. "Council has decided after hearing now that legal argument, council will meet with our legal advisor to get his take on the matter and then a report will be written and come back to open council in either two weeks or four weeks. Then council will reply in open session". Councillors asked both Patton and Wallace many questions, showing their need to take it to the legal advisors.

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