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Oxford Man Charged With Impaired

A tip from the public helped the Perth County OPP take a drunk driver off the road.

SOUTH WEST OXFORD - A 66 year old man has been charged with impaired driving after police pulled him over near Stratford.

Perth County OPP say they tipped off about a possible impaired driver travelling on Perth Line 20 near Hwy 23. Police caught up with the Cadillac SUV in question and noticed the driver was swerving erratically.

The officer determined the man had been drinking and brought him to Sebringville for a breath test. Police say the man failed the breath test and was charged with impaired driving.

Perth County OPP want to thank the citizen who called in the complaint and helped them take a drunk driver off the road. If you suspect a drunk driver you can call police at 1-888-310-1122 to avoid tying up the 9-1-1 phone lines.


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