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Oxford OPP Monthly Recap - May 2023

The Oxford OPP responded to 3,325 calls last month including 278 traffic complaints, 181 crashes, and 85 disputes.

OXFORD COUNTY - It was a busy month for the Oxford OPP.

Officers responded to 3,325 calls in the month of May including 278 traffic complaints and 181 crashes.

The OPP also investigated 85 disputes, 67 reports of suspicious activity, and 58 calls under the Mental Health Act.

You can find a complete breakdown of all of the calls below:

Traffic Complaints - 278 calls
Motor Vehicle Collisions - 181 calls
Disputes - 85 calls
Suspicious Person/Vehicle - 67 calls
Mental Health Act - 58 calls
Property Related - 57 calls
Warrant - 53 calls
Theft - 53 calls
Alarm - 51 calls
R.I.D.E. - 45 calls
Trouble with Youth - 32 calls
Well-Being Check - 29 calls
Domestic - 28 calls
Unwanted Person - 27 calls
Assault - 26 calls
Animal Complaint - 26 calls
Noise Complaint - 25 calls
Impaired - 15 calls
Mischief - 14 calls
Stolen Vehicle - 12 calls
Fraud - 12 calls
Bail Violations - 12 calls
Sexual Assault - 5 calls

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