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Oxford Supports Fort McMurray

People in Oxford County are opening their hearts and their chequebooks as the devastating wildfire continues to rage out west.

The outpouring of support for the people for Fort McMurray continues, and people in Oxford County are digging deep.

M-P for Oxford Dave MacKenzie says he stopped by the Red Cross on Finkle Street and they told him they are getting a steady stream of donations.

"All of these monies are matched by the federal government and I think at this point something in excess of 12 million dollars has been donated by very generous Canadians, which when matched becomes 24 million."

The nightmare is relentless for the 80-thousand residents of Fort McMurray who were forced to evacuate and leave their homes behind, unsure if there will be anything to return back to.

MacKenzie urges anyone who is in a situation where they are able to donate to help out in any way they can.

"A number of my colleagues in Ottawa are directly and indirectly effected and you can sense there's no ending in sight in seems until they get a good rainfall which the weather people are not forecasting, so this thing just grows by leaps and bounds."

The Red Cross office in Woodstock is at 77 Finkle Street.

Donations can be made online HERE

or you can text REDCROSS to 30333 to donate $5 to the cause.

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