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Pan Am Torch Rolls Through Oxford County

The Pan AM Torch was all over Oxford County today with stops in Ingersoll, Woodstock and Tavistock.

The Pan AM Torch was all over Oxford County today.

Things got started this morning with a huge celebration in Ingersoll where the torch arrived at city hall in front of a huge crowd.
Mayor Ted Comiskey was getting the kids excited and talks and revving up the crowd before the torch came to City Hall at about 11 a.m.

After a tour through Ingersoll the torch came to Woodstock where it was a huge party in the Friendly City. The torch arrived at the Community Complex at 12:15 and stayed their for about an hour in front of a big crowd and live music. Heart FM was able to speak with one of the torch bearers Braiden Hofman who is confined to a wheel chair. He says it was an amazing experience "It was very cool, once in a lifetime chance and I'm glad I got to have the moment."

Then the torch went for a tour of the city parading through downtown Woodstock with stops at Museum Square and the CIBC. Once the tour of Woodstock was over the torch made one more stop in Oxford in Tavistock. Crowds once again lined to the streets to catch a glimpse of the torch bearers before heading to Stratford and finishing the day in Kitchener. You can see some amazing photo's of the torch run downtown on in the picture section of our web site http://www.1047.ca/pics-vids/farmers-market-june-18-pan-am-torch-999784/.

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