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Peterson Appointed Deputy Warden for 2024

Blandford-Blenheim Mayor Mark Peterson will serve as the Deputy Warden for Oxford County Council in the New Year.

OXFORD COUNTY - A new year brings a new Deputy Warden for Oxford County Council.

During their latest meeting on Wednesday December 13th, council decided would be taking over the role for 2024.

Warden, Marcus Ryan says it is someone with family ties to local politics.

"Oxford County elected Blandford-Blenheim Councillor Mark Peterson as the Deputy Warden for the coming year. Mark actually has an interesting story because his great grandfather was the Warden of Oxford County 100 years ago."

Ryan explained what Peterson's duties would be as the Deputy Warden.

"The Deputy Warden's job formally is to take the job of the Warden, when the Warden is unavailable. So, if the Warden misses a meeting, the Deputy Warden steps in and chairs the meeting. If the Warden can't attend a public event or something to represent the County, the Deputy Warden fulfills that role."

Ryan adds, Peterson is looking forward to the position and wants to be heavily involved with meetings and trying to bring the ideas or concerns of the residents forward.

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