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Pocket Your Keys

Criminals flock to rural areas because they know some drivers are stuck in the habit of leaving their keys in their vehicles.

OPP are reminding everyone to pocket your keys.

Recently a couple of vehicles were stolen in Thames Centre and Elgin County. Constable Adam Crewdson says both vehicles were easy targets for thieves because the keys were actually left in the ignition. 

"We want to remind people, you have to pocket your keys, it is that simple, you need to pocket your keys when you park and lock up your vehicle." 

Constable Chad Murray also notes that the truck that was stolen in Thames Centre was then used in another crime. 

"So that vehicle was stolen and then that vehicle was used in a theft in Thames Centre, so these stolen vehicles get used in other crimes, so we are out here reminding citizens to please lock your vehicles, because they do become a bigger problem and get involved in other criminal events." 

Criminals flock to rural areas because they know some drivers are stuck in the habit of leaving their keys in their vehicles. It's time to break the habit.

Police also advise everyone to always lock your vehicle and make sure you do not leave any valuables in plain sight. 

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